Fade Friday – Nudie Jeans High Kai (1.5 Years, 1 Wash)

This week’s Fade Friday is the first time we’ve showcased a pair of women’s raw denim! As you can imagine, there’s a smaller population of women that wear raw denim than men mainly due to the no-wash-for-an-extended period of time thing.

Regardless, I always get a bit weak in the knees when I see girls wearing raw denim. It adds some cool points in my books. There’s that instant connection and understanding when you see a girl wearing raw denim. I always joking say “sick fadez, bro” just to tease them.

I’ve managed to convince a few girls to get into raw denim, and it’s always a happy moment for me when women understand this point. Unfortunately this pair below below wasn’t initiated by me, so I can’t take credit for it.

It’s amazing how “perfect” these jeans turned out. I feel that women’s raw denim usually turns out very nice because of the tighter fit that leads to the nicely parallel  creases in the thighs and behind the knees, whiskers and combs, respectively. I’ll let you be the judge.


  • Name: Nudie Jeans High Kai
  • Weight: 11.5 oz
  • Denim: 97% Italian (or Turkish) Cotton, 3% Elastane
  • Fit: Super skinny
  • Length of Wear: 1.5 years
  • Number of washes: 1 wash (around the 9th month)
Photos – BEFORE


Nudie Jeans High Kai – Raw

Photos – AFTER


Nudie Jeans High Kai – Worn

Nudie Jean High Kai

The whiskers. The creases definitely show that they were worn much tighter because of the amount of creases and how parallel they are to each other.

Sweet combs. So parallel.

Mad stacks.

Have you seen any nice women’s raw denim? Or convinced any women to wear raw denim? Let us know via the comment section below!

Stay raw!

– Josh
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