The dream with every new raw denim purchase is that you and your jeans will form a deep personal connection that lasts until one of you dies. But as much as we’d all like to hope that indigo-hued fairy tale comes true, it doesn’t always work out that way–you size them wrong, you lose/gain weight, or you just plain get bored of them.
If you do happen to fall out of love with your jeans there are a few places on the web where you can offload your purchase to recoup some cash. We’ve rounded up below five of the top places to buy and sell your used raw denim, just know that all of these spots are relatively unregulated, so buy and sell at your own risk.
1. Reddit r/rawdenim b/s/t
The raw denim subreddit r/rawdenim has been going strong now for almost two years and has grown to over 12,000 subscribing members. Users there discuss fades, new purchases and general happenings in the denim community.
They also host a weekly buy/sell/trade thread every Sunday. Just pop in, post some pics, a description and a price and you could have those jeans off your hands in no time.
2. Styleforum buy/sell Marketplace
Styleforum has long been the place to discuss men’s fashion on the web. With active discussions on subcultures from punk rock grunge to bespoke Savile Row suiting, they’ve got you covered on pretty much anything you’d want to know.
One of the most popular (and difficult to navigate) parts of the site is their buy/sell marketplace for users to swap their lightly used clothes. The marketplace has easily the largest selection of anywhere online, but it comes at a cost of being very hard to slog through.
3. Superfuture Supermarket
Superfuture began as a simple travel blog for American ex-pat Wayne Berkowitz to keep in touch with his family and friends back home while he was in Japan.
It has since grown into the largest streetwear and denim forum on the internet. I think even Wayne’s a little confused as to how it got there, regardless, the Supermarket hosts the forum’s space for users to post their clothes for sale. Like Styleforum, it can also be difficult to navigate due to sheer volume.
4. eBay
You can buy everything from an F-18 fighter jet to a lock of Britney Spears’s hair on eBay, so buying raw denim there should come as no surprise. Benefits of using eBay include improved search functionality, seeing seller satisfaction ratings, and some protection should the deal turn sour.
Negatives include splitting a cut of the sale with eBay, worrying that someone might snipe your bid at the last second, and that some buyers are apparently looking to buy heavily worn raws just for the smell. If that doesn’t bother you, then post away!
5. Grailed
Grailed is a relatively new player in the men’s clothing swap game, but it’s a good one. Combining the populist posting ability of a forum site with the search functionality and design of a high-end online boutique, Grailed is one of the best options for buying and selling used clothes online today.
Users post photos, sizes, descriptions, and prices and the site spins them into a Mr. Porter-esque sales page where they can then haggle, ask questions, and complete a purchase through paypal. To top it off, the site is completely free and doesn’t even take a cut on sales. I have no idea how this is a viable business model, but for users it’s pretty great.
Where do you like to buy and sell your used jeans? If we missed your favorite spot let us know in the comments below!