The Weekly Rundown: Kiya Babzani Dishes the Dirt on Denim Myths and Talks SEMX

The Weekly Rundown: Kiya Babzani Dishes the Dirt on Denim Myths and Talks SEMX

Getty Images and Gary Friedman.

There’s a ton of great stuff out there. And, while we would love to cover it all, we thought it best to just give it to you straight. The Weekly Rundown is here with the latest happenings from around the web.

There’s a ton of great stuff out there. And, while we would love to cover it all, we thought it best to just give it to you straight. Here’s The Weekly Rundown with the latest happenings from around the web.

  • Buying (and Caring for) Raw Jeans Is Easier Than You Think – Esquire
  • A look at PBJ and Fullcount at the most recent Clutch Collection Show – Okayama Denim
  • The Best Japanese Denim Labels Every Jeans Collector Needs to Know – Vogue
  • See the Making of John Lobb’s Most Intricate Shoe – Selectism
  • Made in Japan, Coveted in the U.S. – New York Times