Fade of the Day – Levi’s 501 STF (1 Year, 4 Washes)

Courtesy of India’s Gautam Badveeti is a pair of starched Levi’s 501 STF (shrink-to-fit) after a year of wear. A much-debated preservation method, his process of wearing for a month (to create prominent creases) followed by a round of starching seems to have worked in his favor.

He subsequently gave them four washes and many liberal soaks to create a more vintage fade. Stellar lap fades are accompanied by some really nice whispering, whilst the honeycomb details are ever so subtle. Clear stack lines that are beginning to show, too. Overall, a great looking pair of Levi’s that will no doubt give him loads of more wear in the future.

Levi’s 501 STF

  • Fabric: Raw, unwashed 100% Cotton
  • Weight: 12.5oz
  • Fit: Straight
  • Available at: Levi.com for $62