Fade of the Day – Schott Perfecto (10+ Years, Cleanings Unknown)

The Schott Perfecto remains to this day the archetypal American leather jacket. From vintage to new, they are readily available and can stand the test of time that leather jackets should, making them a top choice for everyone from beginner to expert-level collectors. Today’s unique Fade of the Day features a rare Perfecto sent to us by Jay Pedro of New Hampshire.

Jay found this jacket in its original, undamaged state and expects it to be over ten years old with plenty of wear. One thing is for sure, whoever had it before him wanted it to last forever too, and worked hard to take good care of it. Regardless, the hard-to-find tan leather color combo has earned some beautiful patina around the collar and arms.

Jay collects and sells all sorts of vintage items (including some awesome denim pieces), that you can check out at his Etsy shop.