How Fast Can You Run a Mile in Your Jeans?

If there are two things Detroit Ricky (my friend Ricky from Detroit) taught me it’s that too many people behave like they’ve never been slapped in the face before, and that, “victory will change your life my G.” While I hope you don’t prance around life like you own the joint — life finds a way to provide that proverbial slap sooner or later — I can say that I certainly do hope you taste sweet victory at least once in your life. It’s a game changer. I won the Boy Scouts pine wood derby when I was nine and it’s been all 99 octane gas and perfectly ripe fruit ever since. Now, just in case you haven’t risen to that level just yet, we may have just the game for you…

CITIUS MAG has teamed up with NYC’s Lost Boys Track Club to host an open blue jeans mile on the evening of July 27 at East River Park in Manhattan. What’s a blue jean mile? You run a mile in your jeans! The hope is that you’ll show up in your best jeans, but who’s to say what your best jeans are. The concept is just that simple:  show up with your jeans and see how fast you can run a mile. It’s free, you’ll meet some denim folk, you’ll all have a laugh and get a beer after.

But what if you also happen to get the days best time? That would mean sweet, sweet victory my G.

Additional details and rules (spikes are allowed!).