The newest offering from Companion, Barcelona’s one-man denim operation, is a fresh take on the iconic Type III-style denim trucker jacket. Companion had already made a version that was something of a hybrid between the original Type II and Type III designs from Levi’s — it features the pleats of the II and the higher front chest pockets and slightly longer cut of the III — and it’s been issued it in raw and blanket lined versions to date.
This update — also called the Type III — is made from a 100% cotton 14oz. Italian sanforized denim that’s been given an overdye bath to deepen and darken the tone (and add a little something-something for those looking for interesting fades). In fact, this is one of the only jackets that can give you fades on the inside and out, which is something to keep in mind in case you are one of the few that strives for glorious fades yet worries about crocking.
The jacket is rounded out with a hidden pocket selvedge fly, selvedge hanger, selvedge inside cuffs, bound arm sleeves and inside pockets.
Available for €289.26 at Companion.