Fade of the Day – Lawless Denim 18.5 oz. (14 Months)

Lawless Denim may have taken the nation, and denim world, by storm with its selvedge swindle, but this is Fade of the Day, not Fraud of the Day, so let’s sit back and appreciate this pair of 18.5 oz. jeans. Coming to us by way of Minneapolis, these faded raws were submitted to us by denim head James Halverson who’s worn them for just over one year.

They may not be the most faded jeans we’ve ever showcased, but the creases have really set in nicely in the lap, with the honeycombs following suit behind the knees. With no washes or soaks to their name, these Lawless jeans are still super dark, but when James finally plunges them into some water, there’s no doubt these jeans will be home to some gnarly fades that could sway any jury in the Lawless case.

You can find James on Instagram.