Dueple Socks – Triumph Over Defeet

Early Christmas morning, sneaky as can be
I creep across the carpet and I peek under the tree
Pick out a gift from Mom to me, bring it to my ear
Give it a little shimmy-shake and what do I hear?


This is the worst gift I ever got
It doesn’t beep or buzz or bop or rattle in the box
Hey, why’d you waste the paper on a lousy pair of socks?

The above are lyrics to Socks, the opening track on JD McPherson’s 2018 album of the same name. While it’s easily my favorite holiday release in a long time, I have to disagree with JD’s take on the humble sock. Sure, if you’re six-years-old the item that never makes it to your list for Santa is socks, but with maturity comes perspective and an appreciation of how game changing something as simple as a well-made pair of socks can be.

But even as adults, we rarely invest the time or money (and we at this site are guilty of this, too) into socks as we do for just about every other item of clothing, and that’s a shame. I would argue that “elevated basics” (you know, underwear, t-shirts and socks) make you feel–no matter how you look–like a million bucks (and that’s a 1980s million).


Dueple Founder Nathan Levy

It’s the pursuit of this simple idea that led me to the partnership behind Dueple–Nathan Levy, founder and CEO, and Yaara Agnon, art director, for their take on making, “the best socks ever.” Our chat is below.

Heddels:  Socks don’t usually get the love and respect of other clothing items, but you seem to be correcting that in a big way. Of all the items to make, why…socks?

Dueple:  Most people don’t realize that socks are one of the most important items in your outfit and mainly in your “feeling.” By wearing Dueple you get it all–you get the best fitting and feeling for your feet, with very high quality socks. And you have the detail of color and textile that can completely change your total outfit.


Double Cylinder Sock making

H:  Can you tell me a bit more about this double cylinder manufacturing process?

D:  Using double cylinder machines allows the production of a true rib which in turn makes for extraordinary socks, combining flexibility and comfort, giving you a perfect fit, and the most comfortable socks you can find.

H:  So the “rib” you’re able to achieve is more effective than with other socks?

D:  Absolutely yes, because in double cylinder machines you get a real rib. More than that, we have a special rib combination we call “infinity rib” in our SWITT socks–it was designed to follow the natural shape and curvature of the leg to ensure minimal pressure and the comfiest fit.

H:  How much research and development went into perfecting your process?

D:  Between Nathan and the manufacturer, there are more than 100 years of experience, and the result is Dueple. Over two years it’s been trial and error to find the right combination of yarn, rib, and gauge. We finally came with a collection of 8 variations and 31 colors.

H:  Yes, you offer a staggering selection of colors—why is that degree of variety important to Dueple?

D:  Dueple is about variety–we offer a very classic product that anyone who appreciates quality can enjoy. It is very important for us to have a great selection of colors that can give the greatest possibilities to a variety of people.


H:  I have to say, your packaging is some of the best I’ve seen in a long, long while. What inspired you to create something so special?

D:  To complement our revival of the classic double cylinder knitting technique, we worked with the Broken Fingaz Crew—brilliant artists and close friends coming from the street art scene—to create a design that is inspired by old-school packaging with a fresh touch. Our packaging represents the good old days when quality was a top value and products lasted longer.

H:  Is Dueple committed to socks and socks alone, or is there more coming?

D:  Dueple is focusing only on socks. We believe in socks and we dedicate all our effort and energy to maximize and produce the best socks ever.

OK, there’s a bit to unpack here. For starters, you gotta’ love a company that makes no bones about the fact that they do socks and socks alone, and plan on doing nothing but socks for the foreseeable future.

In a world when multi-national corporations are so diversified as to make everything from soup to soap to SUV’s, you have to respect Dueple’s focus. As for the “double cylinder” manufacturing process, I’m no engineer, but I gather that it’s creates a true rib rather than an untrue rib like those monsters who use a single cylinder process.


What I have no problem understanding is how crazy comfy my tootsies are in these socks, how incredible the selection of colors is, and how each pair comes packaged in large match-style boxes decorated with super cool vintage graphics.

Long story short, Dueple has built a better mousetrap, and you can get it in four different shades of green, with a cool box as a bonus. And when ordering you have a staggering amount of options (as the above screen shot illustrates).


Dueple’s SWIIT Socks






I tried both their standard sock option, and their SWIIT that’s recommended (by Dueple, not anyone who went to medical school) for those with circulation issues stemming from illness, pregnancy, or flying. They have a wider top and more delicate hold, yet still managed to not slouch around my ankles. With both options, you can’t feel a seam at the toe and they’re soft, remaining so after repeated washings.


At seven pairs for $77 (including shipping) these aren’t priced like the socks I grew up on (6 pairs for $5, available at the grocery store), but they also don’t “perform” like those white tube numbers either…stretched to shapelessness after one washing. And really, ten bucks a pair is about what you’d pay for a lesser pair of socks at some mall store, and you’d not have the selection.

So while you weren’t thinking about socks even a little, Dueple has been thinking about them a lot, and their result is simply better. This isn’t a sponsored post and I’m not part of the Dueple Double Cylinder Dynasty…I just appreciate a good pair of socks. And I have to believe that, if he ever slipped into a pair, so would JD.

You can find Dueple’s socks and learn more at their website.