Full Count Engineers a Natural Canvas Coverall

Keep your morning coffee away from Full Count’s No.8 Canvas Coverall Jacket. Show the palest of your jacket collection some respect. It’s not like these things were expertly designed and crafted in Japan, or anything…

The No.8 jacket has all the trappings of a classic asymmetrical coverall jacket which means there’s lots of dedicated pocket space for your hands, phone, pocket watch, maybe a pen or two. You can even throw your work gloves up front when you need them close at hand.

Full Count’s No.8 jacket is a proper homage to the vintage coverall from the early 20th century, when really only the working class wore such garments, only this is dipped in a vat of bleach. You’d be color-correct if you stepped into Pleasantville donning this jacket.

Available for $375 at Clutch Cafe