I’m currently writing this from my apartment in Brooklyn with like four inches of rain water in my backyard, while my toilet is full geyser mode and my shower is throwing up water like it’s celebrating its 21st birthday, and those are just the Me problems. If we extend outside those narrow problem parameters, we get into some seriously dark stuff, so we’ll stay here. Does “seriously dark stuff” make Now an appropriate moment to buy a shirt that says “Good Times” across the chest*? Probably not, but this long sleeve one from Barns Outfitters is a good shirt, so we’ll give it a pass.
(Last summer, probably at the end of August, I bought a t-shirt from Life is Good because I had driven down to the Outer Banks in North Carina and wanted to buy something in the town I was in but also because I felt like it was a tough time to be a brand called Life is Good when life was very much not good, for pretty much anyone. So I bought one, and every time I wear it I anger at least one (1) person. This shirt, however, is different, because “Good Times” could be referencing past, present, or future Times — it’s not specific. “Life is Good” is very much present tense, which does open yourself up for judgement, I’ve learned. Both shirts still hit though.)
Made in Japan from a wash-processed, loopwheeled 100% cotton fabric done in a perfectly faded black or brown, this long-sleeve tee features a ribbed crew neckline, ribbing at the cuffs, and a flat hem. Simple, clean-cut longsleeve details for the good Times.
So are Times good? Not really, but remember, this shirt doesn’t need to be about These Times. It could be about any of the Times.
Available for ~$60 at Hinoya Shop