Five pairs. If you only had five pairs of shoes to get you through every single possible scenario in your life, what would you choose? We make our cases for shoes past, present, and future that are up to the task. We also discuss New York state’s upcoming bill banning polyfluoroalkyls (PFAs) that are used in millions and millions of garments every year and have serious health and environmental consequences.
Thank you to our sponsor, Science and Kindness Denim Repair. Whether your jeans fit so well they are wearing out or need some adjustments to truly earn your love, Science and Kindness Denim Repair understands. Discrete crotch repairs? Yeah. Sashiko? Yeah. Chainstitch embroidery? Yeah. Union Specials? Yeah. Period correct Big E patches? Yeah!
They go hard when it comes to your jeans but it’s not hard to get things taken care of usually within two weeks. No waitlist. No judgement. Just your jeans– better. By mail or drop-off in St. Paul, MN. @Sciencendkindness on instagram to see our work, for an estimate or to get started. A free chainstitch hem and repair/service discounts for all Heddels+ members. Science and Kindness — Less Yikes.
- Birkenstock Bostons
- Adidas Powerphase
- Scarpa Instinct VS
- Nike Free 2 Trail or the Adidas Terrex joints
- Loafer, likely Alden Handsewn