Crown Northampton Makes the World’s Only Color 8 Chromexcel Desert Boots
We're not swimming in options for end-tier desert boots, but the option we do have is unarguably the best - the Crown Northampton Woodford.
We're not swimming in options for end-tier desert boots, but the option we do have is unarguably the best - the Crown Northampton Woodford.
Two new styles from Grant Stone in Horween's notorious red-leaning burgundy color #8 chromexcel leather? Yes, please.
You didn't need any more Vibergs to add to your list of grail footwear, but they really do just keep comin'.
Made in that most famous of leathers, the Color 8 Cordovan, these look like your dress shoes got tired of taking shit and decided to get all beefed up.
An unbeatable and perhaps end-tier loafer, the Alden Handswen is a sight to see, especially in Horween's Shell Cordovan.
We won't get bored of the Viberg Service Boots, nor will we get bored of seeing it made up in Horween's fantastic leathers.