Two Jacks Denim & Stagger Lee Goods Launch BLM Face Masks For a Community Cause
This collaborative facemask is solidly built, and all proceeds from the project going to Roots Community Health Clinic in East Oakland.
This collaborative facemask is solidly built, and all proceeds from the project going to Roots Community Health Clinic in East Oakland.
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Toronto's Klaxon Howl has just released its Bandit Mask as a way to strike fear into the heart of the nightmare that is COVID-19.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its guidelines on the use of facemasks, including some information regarding homemade masks.
Made in California and lovingly hand-dyed, these reversible masks come with the peace of mind that you're not exacerbating a generational tragedy.
We've picked our top three favorite masks made by our readers, now it's up to you to decide who's the king of cough coverage!
Although these masks are undeniably stylish, their main function is to support hospitals and prisons that are low on PPE.
Featuring whimsical scenes and beautiful colors, these Earth Energies blankets from Stock Mfg. Co and Laura Berger will raise funds for C.H.U.