Fade of the Day – Lizard Moleskin 14 oz. (1.5 Years, Unknown Washes)

Here’s something we don’t see every day: moleskin fades!

Sam Van Cooten from Melbourne, Australia, has disrupted the Fade of the Day status quo in the best possible way with his 14 oz. Lizard Moleskin moleskin pants. Completely made in Ballarat, Australia, these pants are a personal and national treasure.

For the last year and six months, Sam has worn these pants every day while in high school and now university, washing them as needed. The relentless wear and casual washing schedule has lead to mellow, washed-out thigh fades and amazing shadowy and veiny fades just about everywhere else, especially at the back of the knees, which are reminiscent of wear patterns found on 19th century mining pants.